Formula/GT wheel

It has gone some months now from building my first wheel - Rally style wheel. My idea was to build another wheel for racetrack later. Now plans are almost ready and I'm ready to start building!

At first, some words about this project.

The idea was to design a wheel that would be wireless, like rally wheel. My choise for wireless board was Simucube wireless module. Wireless wheel also means that there will be no display or leds. I knew I'll always have option to add display or leds behind the wheel, like williams F1 team has done.

When I started to design wheel layout, I had to test many pairs of grips. I wanted to have comfortable grips would fit to my hands. Here are some models I tried during testing. Some of designs were downloaded fron thingiverse and some of them I made myself. Finally I ended up designing my own grips.

This time I didn't have to design everything from scratch. I used same shifter mechanisms that I used at Rally wheel - off course paddles had to be changed. I also was able to use some parts of the button covers wtih just little changes.

Buttons: I wanted to have more buttons than I have in rally wheel. Finally I ended up to use nearly all inputs, that were available at my wireless board. Final design included 2 paddle shifters, 12 buttons, 2 2-way toggle switches and 4 rotary encoders. And yes - a power switch too.

Early design. 

End of part one

Part 2:

Project is ready! Here are some stats:
Diameter: ~290mm
Weight: 960grams (operational weight including qr and batteries)
Buttons: 2 paddles, 12 buttons, 2 2-way toggle switches and 4 rotaries.
Part count (wires not included): 51
Print time: approx. 50 hours
Wireless module: Simucube wireless button plate module
qr: SQR

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